

Six Seconds

The Six Seconds Model of EQ-in-Action begins with three important pursuits. To put emotional intelligence in action, you work to become more aware (noticing what you do), more intentional (doing what you mean), and more purposeful (doing it for a reason). We call the three steps: "Know Yourself," "Choose Yourself," and "Give Yourself."

People Map

Effective communication, productivity and interpersonal relationships are paramount to everyday success, both inside and outside the organization. Peoplemap™ training is an interactive experience in learning about our own and each other's personality types and how this affects all of our interpersonal relationships. Peoplemap™ training is proven to enhance customer relationships, increase sales performance, develop teams, leadership and improve overall communications and productivity.

The Denison Leadership Development Survey

OCS Survey to ResultsThis is a diagnostic tool that provides leaders and managers with feedback on a set of twelve leadership skills and practices that can impact bottom-line organizational performance. This 360-degree instrument is the result of over 25 years of research that examines the relationship between leadership, organizational culture and organizational effectiveness.

The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS)

Denison Organizational Culture SurveyThe DOCS uses the Denison Model to link your organization's culture to bottom-line results.  It provides a measure of the organization's progress toward achieving a high-performance culture and optimum results.



Click on the title to download

Running Effective Meetings - Download, print and fill out this guide as you plan your next meeting.

The Value of Physician Leadership - Read what executives in hospitals, health systems and group practices are saying about the many roles required for the physician leaders if today's health care reform efforts are going to succeed.

Too Important to Leave Doctors?
- Consider the arguments debunking the belief that physicians aren't the ones who should be leading today's dynamic health care organizations.

Evolution to the C-Suite
- As the C-Suite population increases, opportunities and competition grow for physician leaders. Learn more about the career trends and opportunities arising in response to changes in healthcare.

GROW Model - A Coaching Tool
Using basic coaching skills is a prescription for helping others find their own solutions, expand their range of viable options, think in new ways and be more accountable.

How to Give Difficult Feedback
by Robert Hicks, PhD and John McCracken, PhD

The Psychology of Organizational Structure in Integrated Health Systems
by Daniel K. Zismer, PhD

Making a Case for Coaching
by Michael Horn, MD, Lee Elliot, and Louis R. Forbringer, PhD


Barbara Paul, MD speaking on Coaching: The Missing Chapter from Lean In
Internist discusses how she has used a coach in her career journey to CMO. Coaching has worked for me because it adds “structured refection to my other means of learning” (classes, books, on the job training, learning by mistakes, etc.)

Click Here, then forward recording to 6:11 minutes. Her talk is 18 minutes long.


Meditation Audios - has free audio downloads with the following titles: Loving- Kindness, Self-Love, Compassionate Love, Celebratory Love, Loving All.

Click Here to access these meditations. Scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions on how to download each meditation individually and how you can download all of them into a single Zip File.



Hardwiring Excellence

Based on Studer Group’s Nine Principles SM, Quint Studer shows how to retain more employees; ensure better customer service; build strong leadership, align organizational values, goals, and results; increase communication; reward and recognize individual success while also requiring accountability; and move operational performance for better financials, market share, and growth.

The New Health Partners - Renewing the Leadership of Physician Practice

The New Health Partners - Renewing the Leadership of Physician PracticeDiscover The Six Dimensions of Health Systems That Can Transform Your Medical Practice

The New Health Partners is an essential handbook for physicians who want to reshape their practices to prosper within the managed care environment. This key resource offers a blueprint for helping physicians, medical directors, and administrators create the needed partnerships and cooperative business alliances, put in place the best practices that will maximize accountability, and, ultimately, achieve success in disease management.

"Steve Prather's book encapsulates the key forces in health care today. If followed, his practical solutions will dramatically change the way we organize and deliver care."--Henry G. Walker, president and CEO, Providence/Health System

Leadership In Health Care - Essential Values and Skills

Leadership in HealthcareLeadership In Health Care - Essential Values and SkillsLeadership in Healthcare explains the connection between values and leadership. It defines the role of both personal and team values in improving behavior, performance, and morale. It also offers practical strategies for strengthening leadership and interaction skills and for enhancing overall effectiveness. Case studies, exercises, and self-assessment tools are included in the book to help readers internalize and apply the concepts.

Engaging Physicians- A Manual to Physician Partnership

Engaging Physicians:  A Manual to Physician PartnershipEngaging Physicians: A Manual To Physician Partnership, a new book by Dr. Stephen C. Beeson, is a tested, staged approach to create physician loyalty, improve physician partnership and generate superior organizational performance. Dr. Beeson, author of the best selling, Practicing Excellence, A Physicians Manual to Exceptional Health Care, and Medical Director of Studer Group, brings a simple and specific approach to getting physicians on board, and engaging physicians in healthcare performance efforts.

The intention of this manual is to help leaders and physicians care for the patient above all else, and to make the pursuit of saving lives and making a difference our shared purpose, says Dr. Beeson. When you can stand together, side-by-side with physicians, and when physicians become champions for the mission, your organization will become unstoppable.

Straight A Leadership - Alighment, Action, Accountability

Straight A Leadership - Alignment, Action, AccountabilityToday more than ever, your senior leaders must produce 'Straight' work. Quint Studer's new book is the study guide they need. Straight A Leadership, a book by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Quint Studer, can help your organization achieve the peak performance it needs to survive in the toughest environment.

The book is based on Studer Group's work with hundreds of top healthcare organizations. It makes the case the vast majority of problems organizations face fall under one of the following three categories:

Alignment - Think of C-suite leaders as aircraft pilots. If a pilot makes even a tiny error in setting longitude or latitude at the start of the flight, the plane can end up in the wrong city. Likewise, a small misalignment at the top echelon of a healthcare organization can spark problems that multiply as they cascade through the leadership hierarchy-causing everyone to veer off course.

Action - Sometimes an organization is implementing the right action plan but it's being poorly executed. Other times, so many actions are taking place that they're working against each other, in the way that multiple medications can interfere with each other's effectiveness. Either way, the impact of each action is diminished or desired results go completely unmet.

Accountability - An organization may be properly aligned and taking the right action steps, but without a good system of accountability in place, it will get only short term gains. The absence of accountability-for selecting the right talent, teaching the right tools and techniques, validating positive behaviors and evaluating overall performance-can derail long term results.

Management Lessons From Mayo Clinic

Management Lessons from Mayo ClinicManagement Lessons from Mayo Clinic reveals for the first time how this complex service organization fosters a culture that exceeds customer expectations and earns deep loyalty from both customers and employees. Service business authority Leonard Berry and Mayo Clinic marketing administrator Kent Seltman explain how the Clinic implements and maintains its strategy, adheres to its management system, executes its care model, and embraces new knowledge - invaluable lessons for managers and service providers of all industries.

Drs. Berry and Seltman had the rare opportunity to study Mayo Clinic's service culture and systems from the inside by conducting personal interviews with leaders, clinicians, staff, and patients, as well as observing hundreds of clinician-patient interactions. The result is a book about how the Clinic's business concept produces stellar clinical results, organizational efficiency, and interpersonal service.

An innovative analysis of this exemplary institution, Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic presents a proven prescription for creating sustainable service excellence in any organization.


Leading Change

In Leading Change, John Kotter examines the efforts of more than 100 companies to remake themselves into better competitors. He identifies the most common mistakes leaders and managers make in attempting to create change and offers an eight-step process to overcome the obstacles and carry out the firm's agenda: establishing a greater sense of urgency, creating the guiding coalition, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, empowering others to act, creating short-term wins, consolidating gains and producing even more change, and institutionalizing new approaches in the future.

Leading Physicians Through Change

Leading Physicians Through ChangeThe book provides detailed information on the implementation of a model that can help an organization gain support from physicians for major organizational changes. The book includes tools for the model and a series of sidebars that describe successes with the model.

Immunity to Change

Immunity to Change

People and organizations want to change but often fail because they get in their own way. A fundamental mismatch exists between how they attempt to change and what they really need to do. Robert Kegan, Harvard's Graduate School of Education, and Lisa Laskow Lahey, the associate director of Harvard's Change Leadership Group, address a problem many people encounter daily and provide a framework for thinking about change and a process for achieving it. The first step: create an "Immunity Map" centered on clear, specific goals. Complete your map by identifying what actions you take that work against those objectives and establishing why you engage in that sort of self-sabotaging behavior. Determine what assumptions underlie your "hidden competing commitments" and continually test those beliefs and assumptions, to begin to change your behavior.

 Little Bets - How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries

Little Bets - How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge From Small DiscoveriesWhat do Apple CEO Steve Jobs, comedian Chris Rock, prize-winning architect Frank Gehry, the story developers at Pixar films, and the Army Chief of Strategic Plans all have in common?  Bestselling author Peter Sims found that all of them have achieved breakthrough results by methodically taking small, experimental steps in order to discover and develop new ideas.  Rather than believing they have to start with a big idea or plan a whole project out in advance, trying to foresee the final outcome, they make a series of little bets about what might be a good direction, learning from lots of little failures and from small but highly significant wins that allow them to happen upon unexpected avenues and arrive at extraordinary outcomes. 


Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead

Recommended bookThirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates in the United States, men still hold the vast majority of leadership positions in government and industry. This means that women’s voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines why women’s progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential.

Enlightened Leadership

Being able to change to keep pace with a rapidly changing world is the key to business success in the '90s. Enlightened Leadership is a practical, hands-on guide to breaking through the barriers to organizational change. Doug Krug and Ed Oakley show why most efforts at change fail -- and they provide leaders with proven methods for getting their people moving in the right direction.

Awaken the Leader Within

Far from the typical leadership book that explores only theories and concepts, this interactive coaching experience takes you on a personal journey to awaken a new way of leading and a new way of living. Blending the power of an inspirational story with the power of reflective questions this transformational book gives you deep, enduring ways to create value in all parts of your life.


Inspire!  What Great Leaders Do

Inspire!The key to extraordinary long-term performance lies in a transformational commitment to inspiring people rather than motivating them. Lance Secretan’s Higher Ground Leadership concepts have been widely used to increase profits and quality, slash staff turnover, and achieve record organizational and personal performance. Inspire! describes Lance’s breakthrough thinking, often in the words of the pace-setting leaders who are implementing them and building legacies. Countless examples, stories, and case studies demonstrate the magic of these brilliant ideas. 

Leadership from the Inside Out

Leadership from the Inside OutStill framed in seven simple yet profound "mastery areas," this book serves as an integrated coaching experience that helps leaders understand how to harness their authentic, value-creating influence and elevate their impact as individuals, in teams, and in organizations. Cashman demonstrates that his trademark "whole-person" approach--we lead by virtue of who we are--is essential to sustained success in today's talent-starved marketplace and provides a measurable return on investment. For everyone from CEOs to emerging leaders.

How Remarkable Women Lead

How Remarkable Women LeadHow Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life presents unique ideas about successful leadership. Based on 5 years of proprietary research, this book raises provocative issues such as whether feminine leadership traits (for women and men) are better suited for our fast-changing, hyper-competitive and increasingly complex world.



The Heart of Coaching

This "Second Edition" makes the use of the enhanced coaching model easier to use than ever, since it now includes a colorized snapout reference card. Additionally, several powerful enhancements of the Transformational Coaching methodology make it one of the most comprehensive, and systematic approaches to coaching you will find today. 



Rhythm of Peace

We're an informal network of individuals, groups, and organizations that cares about peace and strives to make peace a priority in our busy lives. We use the daily themes (one for each day of the month) to cultivate peace in our homes, families, and workplaces.

The Art of Extreme Self-Care

The Art of Extreme Self-CareThis life-changing handbook by best-selling author Cheryl Richardson offers you 12 strategies to transform your life one month at a time. Designed as a practical, action-oriented program, each chapter challenges you to alter one behavior that keeps getting you in trouble.


 Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do and Become

Love 2.0

We all know love matters, but in this groundbreaking book positive emotions expert Barbara Fredrickson shows us how much. Even more than happiness and optimism, love holds the key to improving our mental and physical health as well as lengthening our lives.

"I am now the leader I never knew I could be!” ~ Executive Director, non-profit medical clinic.

"You really make this leadership stuff easy!" ~ Dr. W. Udoeyop

"I feel like I am stepping into my life's work-what I am meant to be doing. It feels like coming home."  ~ R. Laurence M.D.